DIY Natural Lemon Surface Cleaner

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade…. and lemon surface cleaner! This is a natural disinfectant and a super easy way to get your surfaces clean and smelling fresh!



Note: This makes about 1.5 liters of cleaning solution.

  • About 10 lemons

  • White vinegar

  • A jar, pitcher, or container for steeping

  • An empty spray bottle (glass is best)

  • Water

  • Optional: 1 tsp of castile soap (I like Dr. Bronners). If you want a plastic-free option you can shave a little off of a bar or get some at a refill shop. I get my castile soap at zero waste shop BYO Long Beach.

  • Optional: aromatic herbs like sage, rosemary, mint, lavender, or a few drops of essential oil

If you’d also like to have lemonade, you’ll need a natural sweetener like agave or raw sugar!


In order to get the lemon rinds we need for the cleaner, we have to juice them first! So get out your juicer or citrus squeeze and make some lemonade! I like my lemonade really tart and use organic agave to sweeten it to taste.

Next, it’s time to make the cleaner!

  1. Put all the lemon rinds into a container/pitcher and soak in vinegar. You can also add any optional herbs now as well. Leave this sit in a sunny place for about two weeks to fully steep.

  2. After two weeks, strain the lemon rinds and pour half of the mixture into a spray bottle. Fill the rest of the bottle with water.

  3. Add optional castile soap and/or essential oil and shake well.

To use: Spray onto surface, and wipe away with a damp cloth. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
